Human rights defenders can temporarily escape from their threatening situation and rest and re-energize in a safe, warm and inspiring environment.
Shelter City provides human rights defenders at risk a temporary place for three months where they are safe, can rely on solidarity and receive support tailored to their needs. We enable them to re-energize, engage with allies and develop their skills, knowledge and resilience.
Everyone should be able to safely contribute to a better world. When human rights defenders are nevertheless being threatened because of their efforts, they must be able to count on global solidarity. With our support, we aim to enable them to continue their work with renewed energy and in a more safe and effective way. Moreover, in our vision, supporting local change-makers is the most powerful and straight way to contribute to local change.
Human rights defenders can temporarily escape from their threatening situation and rest and re-energize in a safe, warm and inspiring environment.
They receive support tailored to their individual needs, for example medical care, psychological support, security trainings and development of expertise.
They can exchange experiences, spread awareness, and expand their network with new allies, such as fellow human rights defenders, people and organizations.
"I was feeling exhausted - the work was getting too much. My time in Shelter City was a relief to me and allowed me to come back fresh."
"During Shelter City, I was treated with respect and dignity for the first time ever in my life. I learned what real human rights are, human rights as a lifestyle. I gained knowledge and power and am now passing it on."
"I have gained new energy and am now better prepared. Shelter City has shown me that it is better to be silent for a while, than to have to keep silent forever."
"I felt the need to rest. In our country, that is not an option. Participating in Tai Chi, the medical care and the support of the team has helped me a lot. For me, the work that Shelter City does is very valuable."
"You gave me my motivation back, made me feel important again as a human rights defender."