October 10, 2018
Documentary on former Shelter City guest Zar Ali now available
The documentary “Voice from the Ground” is now available. It tells the story of former Shelter City guest Zar Ali.
Zar Ali Khan Afridi is a human rights defender from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas in Pakistan. He works to protect the people in his comunity and improve their living conditions.
The documentary “Voice from the Ground” was made by Doculab, a community of documentary makers, with the support of Justice and Peace, de Pletterij and Vluchtelingenwerk West en Midden-Nederland.
In the documentary Zar Ali describes the challenges faced by human rights defenders in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas in Pakistan. Human rights defenders are here targeted by state and non-state actors because they are seen as a threat to the regime.
The documentary also shows Zar Ali’s stay in Shelter City Harleeem in 2017. During his stay, he had the opportunity to rest, reflect on his work and broaden his network.