Black Lives Matter Maastricht

Black Lives Matter Maastricht

Black Lives Matter Maastricht

A non-profit grassroots organization that advocates for the rights of black, indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) in Maastricht

Photos by: Ivo Miesen

An open letter from members of Black Lives Matter Maastricht

Dear all,

Black Lives Matter Maastricht (BLMM) is a non-profit grassroots organisation that advocates for the rights of Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC), furthers anti-racist education, and provides a platform and a safe space for BIPOC in Maastricht. We seek to influence public discourse and make an impact through peaceful protests, petitions, education, and events.

BLMM started in 2020 together with 1400 other people who expressed the need for anti-racism and stood in solidarity with people of colour being discriminated against. Currently, in 2023, the amount of support and interest for the anti-racist movement has reduced significantly. However, we  hope that an anti-racist future is still the wish of everyone and that you will act to make it happen.

BLMM is often confronted with the question if they are affiliated with the United States Black Lives Matter organisation, and the answer is “No”. However, what we are affiliated with is the movement and the message that no one is superior to anyone and that everybody is EQUAL.

Even though we currently live in a racist society, we have hope to dismantle that system with your help.


Eugenia and Elinice on behalf of BLMM

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